Does Hybrid Learning Support Financial Wellness for Students?

Interest in Hybrid Learning
Hybrid learning has become increasingly popular in higher education. Not only does it let students access educational content on their own terms, but it also allows them to exert the most autonomy over their day-to-day life.
Hybrid learning combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning, which means students can access lessons wherever they choose. Most of the emphasis on hybrid learning tracks back to that unbeatable convenience.
However, one of the key benefits of this new learning style is financial wellness. So, how does hybrid learning help cultivate financial well-being for students in higher education?
Education on Their Schedule
A recent survey on financial wellness among college students found that many are facing increasing financial pressures. Of those surveyed, 45% responded that they’re struggling to manage student finances. The survey also found that there is a lack of education and resources available to students, including those related to financial aid. Only 19% of students felt financially literate and only 27% had access to financial literacy resources.
Hybrid learning can help to address these issues. By providing students with access to online learning materials, they’re better able to access the resources they need to become financially literate. Specifically, they’re able to understand how financial aid works and how they can leverage opportunities to their advantage… though they’ll still likely need some help from a financial aid officer.
The primary benefit of hybrid learning in higher education is flexibility. Hybrid learning can provide students with the flexibility to take courses on their own time. This autonomy allows them to better manage their finances by better managing their time. For example, students can take courses in the evenings or on weekends, allowing them to work during the day.
They can also live off campus or at home, take fewer credits per quarter, and have a more flexible schedule when it comes to their higher education. This can help students to save money and better manage their finances, especially for those who are responsible for dependents.
Education at a More Affordable Rate
Furthermore, hybrid learning can provide students with more affordable education options. With hybrid learning, students can find higher education courses and programs at a reduced cost. This can help students to save money and lowers the cost of their education overall. Additionally, students can access courses from different institutions and countries, helping them to find courses that are more affordable and tailored to their learning needs.
To address a rising interest in hybrid learning, more colleges and universities are expanding their online education options. Not only are they building on hybrid curriculums, but they’re also simplifying the transfer process for students who may be looking to switch from an on-campus education to a hybrid format.
Education that Fosters Independence
Hybrid learning can provide students with the opportunity to develop other skills that can improve their financial wellness. A major goal of any higher education institution is to ensure that students succeed after they graduate. Financial wellness is a core component of that success.
By taking hybrid courses, students can learn how to manage their time, set goals, and develop new skills. These skills can help students to better manage their finances, as well as become more independent and self-sufficient during their education and beyond. Additionally, by taking hybrid courses, students can develop new relationships with their professors and peers, which may help them thrive in a different type of learning environment that's still supportive.
Hybrid learning offers an important solution to financial uncertainty for many students. Supporting hybrid learning can be an effective tool to help higher education institutions boost enrollment and student success—particularly when it comes to finances. As higher education continues to embrace hybrid learning, it can help to foster a more financially sound future for students.
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