Determining cost of college at GVSU easier with new online tool

Grand Valley made it easier for prospective students and families to determine the cost of attending by adding an easy-to-use, online net-cost calculator.
B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach, said the Cost Calculator demonstrates Grand Valley's commitment to financial transparency. It will show – in less than 5 minutes – the university's tremendous value, he added.
"For years, we have talked about how cost-effective a Grand Valley education is, and this tool will prove it," Truss said.
GVSU's Cost Calculator prompts users with a series of questions about residency, family status and income, student income and enrollment status. Seconds later, a page appears displaying a student's estimated net cost, housing and meals, books and supplies.
Danny C. Vélez, associate vice president for Admissions and Recruitment, hopes high school juniors and seniors use the Cost Calculator to determine costs for all the schools they are researching.
"Once they complete the Cost Calculator steps, students will see what a value Grand Valley is and what a good price they are getting for its high academic rigor," he said.
Specific Financial Aid programs like the Grand Valley Pledge, a program that grants free tuition for qualified students from families with incomes less than $50,000, are automatically considered in the Cost Calculator.
Learn more about Grand Valley's options for financial aid and scholarships online.
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