Calculating the Cost of Education is Easy at Wayland

PLAINVIEW – Wayland Baptist University is making it easy for prospective college students to calculate the cost of attending with a new, cutting-edge, net-cost calculator available online. While colleges and universities are required to have a calculator, Wayland is the flagship partner in unveiling a new version of the calculator that makes it easier to determine cost and estimate financial aid.
Wayland is officially announcing the launch of the new calculator as part of the school’s commitment to financial clarity and price transparency for all students. Developed by Ivy League graduates from Columbia University the new Meadow calculator will provide students with an easy-to-understand, individualized price estimate in less than 5 minutes.
Christy Miller, executive director of financial aid at Wayland, said her office has been working with the start-up company to make understanding financial aid easier for prospective students and their families.
“They are trying to rethink how students and families communicate regarding college expense,” Miller said. “Essentially, they have designed the net-cost calculator to be more consumer friendly.”
Meadow co-founder Alfredo Brillembourg said the goal is to clarify and simplify the financial experience for students.
“As recent graduates ourselves, we realize that the finances of higher education are as complicated and cumbersome as they are expensive, and that complexity poses an equal barrier to access for students,” Brillembourg said.
With its ease of use, Miller said the new calculator will determine cost for prospective students based on their estimated financial aid. Cost can be determined on a monthly, annual or four-year period. It will also provide information about scholarship availability, student loans and other financial aid options available to assist in paying for school.
A link to the new calculator can be found at this link. Currently, the Plainview campus calculator is operational. Calculators for external campuses, online and graduate students should be set up by the end of the month.
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